Back in 2013 during a night of drinking local beers in China. Dirk and his friend Rolf talked about missing the freshly brewed beers from the Black Forest area. Rolf encouraged Dirk to start brewing beer and the rest is history!2013年,在一个畅饮中国本地啤酒的夜晚,Dirk和他的朋友Rolf聊起了对黑森林地区新鲜酿造啤酒的怀念。Rolf鼓励Dirk自己开始酿造啤酒,之后的故事就是Zapfler的历史了!
Brewmaster Dirk and his team work their magic in a 10HL brewery in Jintan and a 50HL brewery near Shanghai.酿酒大师Dirk和他的团队在金坛的10HL酒厂和上海附近的50HL酒厂施展他们的酿造魔法。
Each beer is brewed in small batches. So, our beer is a true craft!每一款啤酒都是小批量酿造,因此我们的啤酒是真正的精酿之作!
A few days a week brewmaster Dirk and his team make your favorite drink in either Jintan or Shanghai. The beers are brewed with imported ingredients from Germany and sunny Australia. Purified water is also used in the process.每周几天,酿酒大师Dirk和他的团队都会在金坛或上海为客人们酿造心爱的饮品。啤酒使用从德国和阳光明媚的澳大利亚进口的原料酿制,同时还使用经过净化的水。